Inter-individual differences
People differ in creative potential and creative behavior. Creative potential includes those personality traits (e.g. openness), cognitive abilities (e.g. divergent thinking and intelligence) and domain-specific expertise that predict creative behavior. Creative behavior, in turn, includes observable creative activities and performances. We investigate which traits are relevant for creative potential and how their interplay predicts creative behavior in different domains.
Selected further reading:
- Benedek, M., Bruckdorfer, R., & Jauk, E. (2020). Motives for creativity: Exploring the what and why of everyday creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54(3), 610-625.
- Gerwig, A., Miroshnik, K., Forthmann, B., Benedek, M., Karwowski, M., & Holling H. (2021). The relationship between intelligence and divergent thinking - A meta-analytic update. Journal of Intelligence, 9(2), 23.
- Jauk, E., Benedek, M., & Neubauer, A. C. (2014). The road to creative achievement: A latent variable model of ability and personality predictors. European Journal of Personality, 28, 95-105.

Assessing creativity
Assessing creativity is a particular challenge. As creativity is a very multifaceted construct, there are specific assessment instruments for the individual facets. Creative cognitive potential, for example, is usually measured using divergent thinking ability. In the FWF research project Advancement of Divergent Thinking Assessment (ADTA), we are investigating how this ability can best be assessed (Project number: P 35661; Grant-DOI: 10.55776).
We are also working on measuring instruments to assess creative activities and achievements. Many standard procedures in this area are freely available (see Open Science Framework).
Selected further work:
- Benedek, M., Christensen, A. P., Fink, A., & Beaty, R. E. (2019). Creativity assessment in neuroscience research. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13, 218-226.
- Diedrich, J., Jauk, E., Silvia, P.J., Gredlein, J.M., Neubauer, A.C., & Benedek, M. (2018). Assessment of real-life creativity: The Inventory of Creative Activities and Achievements (ICAA). Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12, 304-316.
- Saretzki, J., Forthmann, B., & Benedek, M. (2023, November 7). A systematic quantitative review of divergent thinking assessments. Preprint at OSF.